What Do Angels Look Like?
I saw some videos with horrified people talking about biblically accurate descriptions of angels. They speak of nightmarish depictions that would come from the recesses of the mind. They flash images of many pairs of wings with eyes dotted all over and something that looks like an atom—also covered in eyes.
I couldn’t stop laughing. It was their faces! But what do angels look like?
As an angel medium and spiritual practitioner, I can give my impression and what answer has come to me. They look the way our brains perceive them. The descriptions we have come from Elijah and Enoch while they were still in human form. Human form equals density consciousness ego, which could distort an image. Or even take something beautiful in others’ eyes and make it hideous for us.
I have heard people perceive angels as tunnels of light, sparks, flashes, orbs, and, of course, the ever-famous humanoid with wings. I see angels in piercing light, though will sometimes see a faint human form. But we will see whatever we feel safe with, and what brings us comfort. For example, angels do not have a gender. And yet, some will perceive Archangel Gabriel as male and Archangel Gabrielle as female. Either way, they are the same archangel. Depending on what form appears, this is what will bring you the most ease. When relaxed, you are open to receiving messages.
It doesn’t matter how angels appear. Like God, Source, Creator, angels are an experience. They do not fit into our human perceptions. Whether you see the examples above or none, as long as you feel peace and love, then that is your angel. If you feel peace, love, and a powerful yet gentle presence, that is an archangel. It is up to you what kind of experience you want to have.
Angels Look Weirder than you Think